The Conduit has 67,563 players reporting their play-time data this week.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex has 61,472 players reporting their play-time data.
Red Steel 2 has 11,396 players reporting play-time data this week.
Red Steel 2 has 11,396 players reporting play-time data this week.
Player Increase Over Last Week:
The Conduit had 2,323 more players reporting their data this week, than from the data captured May 17.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex had 5,851 more players reporting their play-time data this week, compared to May 17th's numbers.
Red Steel 2 had 2,811 more players reporting data this week, since Monday, May 17.
Red Steel 2 had 2,811 more players reporting data this week, since Monday, May 17.
"Total" Game-Play Hours Reported/Increased:
The Conduit has 1,510,032 Total Hours reported, an increase of 54,074 hours from May 17.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex has 2,865,799 Total Hours reported, an increase of 421,942 hours from May 17.
Red Steel 2 has 103,347 Total Hours reported, an increase of 27,867 hours since Monday, May 17.
Red Steel 2 has 103,347 Total Hours reported, an increase of 27,867 hours since Monday, May 17. Sale Rank & Advertised Price:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex
's sale rank is #259 and its current selling price is $40.54.
Red Steel 2
's, the game only, sale rank is #1,187 and the current selling price is $46.99.
Red Steel 2 w/ Wii MotionPlus
' sale rank is #1,241 and the current selling price is $55.36.
Red Steel 2
Red Steel 2 w/ Wii MotionPlus Review Score Averages:
The Conduit's review score average is 72.23%, based on 64 reviews.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex's review score average is now 78.50%, based on 34 reviews. It was 78.76%, based on 33 reviews on May 24.
Red Steel's review score average is now 81.09%, based on 45 reviews. It was 81.00% back on May 24, based on 44 reviews.
When I checked for The Conduit's sale rank, actually did not have the game in stock, just 3rd Party Vendors on I will be watching to see if they get The Conduit back in quickly, or if they do not; perhaps Sega is making a bundle of games for North America, like they released in Australia?
Red Steel 2's sales ranks have varied greatly since I started tracking them on They will range from the 600s, into the 1000s as they were today.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex seems to still be selling well, and had the most game-play hours added and the largest increase in number of players reporting data, since May 17.
Has anybody been playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex, Red Steel 2, or The Conduit in the last few weeks? If not, what have you been playing?
While I have not played any of these three games, in the last week I have been playing some more Rage of the Gladiator, and a little of Monster Hunter 3, and Max & the Magic Marker.
If you are interested in any of the Wii FPS games covered, you can see new and used prices for them on below:
When I checked for The Conduit's sale rank, actually did not have the game in stock, just 3rd Party Vendors on I will be watching to see if they get The Conduit back in quickly, or if they do not; perhaps Sega is making a bundle of games for North America, like they released in Australia?
Red Steel 2's sales ranks have varied greatly since I started tracking them on They will range from the 600s, into the 1000s as they were today.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex seems to still be selling well, and had the most game-play hours added and the largest increase in number of players reporting data, since May 17.
Has anybody been playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex, Red Steel 2, or The Conduit in the last few weeks? If not, what have you been playing?
While I have not played any of these three games, in the last week I have been playing some more Rage of the Gladiator, and a little of Monster Hunter 3, and Max & the Magic Marker.
If you are interested in any of the Wii FPS games covered, you can see new and used prices for them on below:
I've actually played all three this week. I bought Red Steel 2 about a month ago. While it's a great game, and an A+ Wii title, I just don't dig it as much. When I sit down, and play it, I'm glued, but once I turn it off, i'm like "meh". Alot of it is the fact that I work, and stay too busy these days to finish single player modes.
ReplyDeleteI've already beat Modern Warfare, but i've been playing the multiplayer. It's a load of fun, and worth the price of the game alone. It's a rich, rewarding experience that keeps you interested, and playing. I stopped for awhile, but recently got back into it.
I'm replaying The Conduit, simply to kind of hype myself up for the sequel. High Voltage, and Sega are hyping the sequel beyond anything i've seen for a third party Wii title. I look for it to get more attention when the release date draws closer. So i've just been going through the single player, and the multiplayer again for the hell of it.
@James [FYN]:
ReplyDeleteI still haven't purchased either Red Steel 2 or Modern Warfare Reflex.
I do want to try both of them though, as they seem like good fun.
I did purchase The Conduit day one, but traded it off at the end of September/beginning of October.
I'm hoping to learn more about Conduit 2 this next week, from E3.
Thanks for the comment and feedback!
I'm addicted to Modern Warfare Reflex. I love unlocking perks. My kids and I are playing New Super Mario Bros Wii a lot.