
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Coffee Shop! Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Wii U sale!

Coffee Shop
Good morning! I hope this post finds you well, perhaps even enjoying a cup of coffee. It's a new week, and almost a new month! Where have I (Coffee) disappeared to the last few months? Well, that might be a story for another day...

Today, I wanted to let fellow Wii U owners know that Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (DKCTF) is on sale! Barely a month after it released, the game is already discounted 20% off its MSRP at two retailers.

You can pick up a copy of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for the Wii U from Best Buy (HERE) and (HERE) this week for just $39.99. Both sites include "Free Shipping" with the sale price, but with Best Buy you also have the option of checking your local store(s) to see if you can pick it up today if you want.

You can click the links above, or below, to be redirected to the appropriate pages to buy it:
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is on sale at Best Buy for $39.99.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is on sale on for $39.99.

I did a plethora of Nintendo Channel data stories on Donkey Kong Country Returns (see: hereherehereherehere, & here), and even one on the Wii's Virtual Console Donkey Kong Country SNES titles over the years. If you own a Wii, but not a Wii U, I would highly recommend picking up Donkey Kong Country Returns and giving it a try, especially if you enjoyed any of the older SNES titles in the series.

If you have played Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (I haven't), would you recommend it to Wii U owners that might not be familiar with the "Donkey Kong Country" line of games?

Also, if you have played and beaten DKCTF, how many hours did it take you?